Monday, June 27, 2011


     My neighbor Reggie, does not stop smiling... He is in his fifties and had a stroke, so getting all the words out is very difficult for him.  Yet, he does not stop smiling.  He smiles with his whole being.  Whenever he says hello, it is as if he hasn't seen me in years.  Many times it is with arms outstretched to give me a hug.  If he knows I haven't left my apartment in a day, he checks on me to make sure I am ok.  He brings my mail to me.  If he sees me pull in the parking lot, he comes to my car and makes sure if I have anything to carry, that he can help.  I always hear him laughing with friends when he opens the outside door to let them in.  I used to be annoyed by this.  Now it's refreshing.  He's friends with one man from the group home down the street.  Sammy.  They have a special bond.  Sammy seems to have some sort of learning disability.  Everyone in town knows him.  He came over one day and I was just walking out, so I got to see them both....He said to Reggie very slowly, "This is your birthday present."  He gave him five dollars.  Reggie was so happy and hugged the man for the longest time.  You'd of thought he gave Reg 500 dollars.   A few summers ago, a lady was working on a garden in between our building and the group home.  Then I saw her husband, then her son.  I went in the garden when they weren't there and it is lovely.  There are a few places to sit and take in all the beauty of the flowers, bushes, and even a sassafras tree.  Then I met the lady putting it all together.  She is doing this all on her own, with her own money.  She said she loves this city and wants to give a little.  She is very funny and kind.  She told me to come and sit any time.  I notice that when the younger people walk by our building, they might throw trash but in this garden, nothing is harmed.  Almost like that is off limits.  I love how people help others.  I love how Reggie doesn't let his disability cramp his smile or his style.  I love how Sammy knows everyone in town... and as he walks up and down the streets of Bedford, people honk their horns and say hi.  I love how the lady created something beautiful next door to me, without needing recognition.  I LOVE my neighbors...

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