Wednesday, January 4, 2017


     A few months ago I was coming off the freeway and a woman was holding a sign.  I couldn't read it but I assumed she needed money.  I thought about it and turned into a gas station right there and honked.  She walked up to my car and I asked if she needed money.  She said yes.  I looked deep into her eyes.  I handed her a few dollars and asked if she was going to buy alcohol.  She didn't say anything, but I am pretty sure that's what she did with it when she walked into the gas station.  I knew that this wasn't the best thing for her but I just wanted her to know that she mattered.  As I drove away, I questioned myself and what I had done.  I wondered if I just helped her keep a bad habit.  As I was praying about this, I drove into Dunkin Donuts and ordered a toasted cheese on a whole wheat bagel with a small decaf. One cream on the side.  The sweet lady who worked there only charged me $1.49 and I knew this wasn't enough.  I asked her if she was sure I wasn't underpaying her.  She said, "We're giving you a break, and we all need a break sometimes."