Tuesday, June 7, 2011


  A few days ago, I was driving me and my cousin to dinner… My cousin and I lived in the same building for many years and now we live across the street from one another.   We are definitely soul mates.  If friends of mine call her by accident, they think it’s me when she answers, because we both sound alike.  She knows more about me than anyone.  I always tell her that she is a model driver.  She has great judgment … she can maneuver her car into just about any space.  She is completely calm on the road.  I, uhm… I’m a little different.  If a leaf blows in front of my car, I am certain I hit a tree.  When I see someone coming behind me, I actually duck and think they are about to hit me and of course they never do.   I am usually hyper vigilant or just the opposite.  When someone else is driving, I always gasp because I am certain we are going to hit something or are too close to the curb.. and I am ALWAYS wrong.  While on the freeway with my cousin in the car, I adjusted the air and she said very calmly, “Uh Chris, we are going off the road.”  We were.  I was almost in a ditch.  I jumped out of my skin and brought the car back on track.  I tried to stay calm the rest of the trip but I was still very shaken.  So…as we are making our way home I say  that I talked to Marianne Williamson a few weeks ago and how wonderful she was and my cousin expressed how much she liked her as well.  I told her how Marianne’s voice was so soothing.  I said how much I am getting out of her latest book.  I said how she tells it like it is to people.  My cousin talked about how beautiful she was….Then I said, “And she even PRAYED for me on the radio!”  There was a long silence and we both said at the same time… “Should of asked her to teach me how to drive.”

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