Friday, January 13, 2012


If this were my last hour on earth, would I be happy with how I spent my time today, this week, or this year?
Would I feel good about the priorities I've focused on right now at this point in my life?
Do I feel complete and at peace with the people that matter most in my life?

  Cheryl Richardson asks these questions of herself when life gets to be too much.  So yesterday, I was very depressed and asked myself these questions. 
  Yes, I would feel good about how I spent most of my time.  My memories of 2011 were alot of new friends and new ways of looking at the world. I have been told forever that I never ask for what I want or for help.  Well, I am now.  I let my friends lift me up.  I have no problem with that.  And yes, my priorities are loud and clear.  Take care of my health... Not too hard.  And yes I feel complete and at peace with the people that matter most to me.  They just aren't the people I thought they would be, and that's fine.


  1. Sure. It has been the very worst week in my life. And I've had a lot of time over the past 6 months of caregiving with my Mum to think of just those questions. I am so sad, but am so fortunate that I can answer those three questions with complete satisfaction. Thank you Chris for writing this blog for me. I know you think it was for you, but I needed it more this morning. When you think others are lifting you up, well, you just did the same for a long-lost friend who is very deep in grief. Online therapy..... Who would've thought :-)

  2. HI ..
    I didn't know that was you dear...So sorry about your MUM and I know the grief is rough.. Much love to you at this time... Caregiving is tough when the outcome is always the same... but at the same time, helping someone cross over is a gift in itself. You were probably a wonderful daughter.. and I am so glad you can answer those questions with such peace... Thank you for reading and commenting...
