My Mom's brother Joe was very sweet... When his wife got sick with liver cancer in 1990, my mother went frequently to help, but her greatest contribution was that she cooked for the family and all who took care of my Aunt Ina which was around the clock. I was impressed at all she was doing and told her. She replied, "Well Chrissy, I can cook." Then she told me a story about when I was born..She said, "Your father brought me home from the hospital, and then said he had a meeting at work and he left me alone, still healing, with you and with your two brothers, ages 5 and 6 running around." She said, "Very shortly after, Joe stopped by. He didn't make a big deal of it, he brought some groceries, put them away, made you a bottle and gave it to you. Once he knew I was settled, he left."
I noticed my Uncle operated like this alot. He was quiet and just served others, especially his sisters and he had five including my mother. When my father was dying, he came every day to the hospital, and then one day he didn't. He had gotten very sick, very quickly, fell into a coma and within a few days died. He didn't want to take the attention away from my Dad....
Wow. Sweet, sweet man.