Monday, June 11, 2012


  I had so much fun this weekend..   I saw my buddy Barbara Friday night. No matter what the situation, Barbara can make me laugh.  Her daughter graduated this year from high school and is heading off to college in the fall. I saw my friends, the Verlezza's on Saturday night.  They took me to dinner and then we went to see a play that their daughter had written.  I couldn't get over the fact that she had written such a good piece, because the last time I saw her, she was about 7 years old.  She has graduated this year from high school and will be off to New York to go to college in the fall.  Their son graduated from Kent State this year and is moving to New York to be a dancer.  He already has wonderful opportunities lined up.   I got to go to a graduation party on Sunday.  I loved going as it was my friend Lona's son.  I don't know him very well at all, but I loved it just the same.  Almost like Lona was graduating. Parents must feel that way when their child finally graduates from high school.  I can't imagine raising a child by myself but Lona managed very well despite her serious health issues. On Saturday afternoon, my friend Angie came over to help me pack up my apartment.  I never knew packing could be so much fun, but Angie wants to have a good time.  I have known her for 34 years and although we have had huge gaps in our time together,  every time I see her, she is very happy. When I had my surgery, she offered to be there and I was so grateful.  I wanted that "attitude" around.  She said something to me that was very funny and very poignant.  I asked her if she saw the movie "Precious".  She hadn't and had no interest. She said a friend told her she should see it.  She told her friend she didn't want to see  anything so depressing.  Her friend said, "But the lead character overcomes so much."  And Angie said, "And I'm happy for her."  Angie explained that she didn't need movies or anything to make her worry or feel sad.   She said her son was fighting in the war and that was enough to keep her up at night. She has three beautiful boys and one graduated from college this past month.  He is a wonderful artist and she is very proud of all her sons. 
  All I thought about this weekend was ... ME... but I was still so impressed and moved by these mother's and father's that raise these kids and sweat blood sometimes.  After all is said and done, they come out with gratitude and pride over their children and their accomplishments.  Of course.  Why wouldn't they?   I couldn't help feeling a little bit honored that I got to share in the end result. 


  1. Chris you are always so gracious and supportive of the parent friends in your life. I know I appreciate it.

    I'm with Angie on avoiding movies like Precious. I can't deal with that kind of cruelty. It sinks me.

  2. And I agree with you about the movie, although I loved "Precious". I think avoiding things we don't need to see that upset us is a good way to protect our sensitivity.
