Monday, November 14, 2011


  No time for chit chat… running out the door.... I did however put a bunch of things away after an amazing weekend with my nephews… My brother has two great boys.  Leo is 15 and Harry is 13.  Leo had brain surgery last year and it hasn’t slowed him down a bit.  He is writing on two football websites and doing well in school.  He coaches football on Sundays.  I didn’t believe my eyes when I saw him.  He has changed so much in 15 months. He is a head taller than my brother.  Harry is so cute. He is a little guy for his age. They are both very interested in everything.  Harry asks me a lot of questions about my life.  He lets me grab him and hug him all the time.  They are both so quick witted.  Harry wanted more answers as to how the braces on my legs help me walk.  Leo grabbed my crutch and tried to imitate me.  It was not a good moment, but when I asked to him to stop, he did.  Harry told me about school and some of his extracurricular activities.  This past year, he has been baking a great deal, and asked for some of my mother’s recipes.  His specialty seems to be banana bread.  My sister in law ran out to my car when I got to their hotel.   Her Long Island accent is great.  “Hi honey!!!”  Harry was with her.  When Leo came up to the car, I did a double take.  He said, "How are you Chrissy?"  I said, "I'm fine. Who are you?" They are so eager to help me.  They got my stuff out of the car and got me to my room.  They said they were starving and we ate in the hotel restaurant.  I have to say, the Sheraton in Cuyahoga Falls is beautiful.  My brother Joe showed up later that evening and stayed over Saturday night.  On Friday we watched the movie, Bridesmaids.  Randy Pausch says, “Never, ever underestimate the importance of having fun.”  And that movie definitely had us all in stitches.  My nephews are incredibly curious.  We watched a reality show on Saturday night, just me and the boys and there was a woman on who knew a murder was about to happen, but said nothing.  When the newscaster asked how she felt about that and she responded, Harry said, “She doesn’t seem very remorseful.”  I noticed for the 3 days we were together, that there were no tantrums, or pouting or too much angst.  They were instructed to clean things up after they made any mess in the hotel room and they did.  They loved swimming and the fitness room…Even though their visit was short, my brother wanted to see a cousin who is very ill.  He seems to have incredible integrity, my brother…. AND his wife.  I was hoping the boys got all that from me…..