Thursday, August 20, 2020

AUGUST 20, 2020

 I'm at a loss for what to say.  It has been the most unusual time in my 63 years.  I like slowing down with this virus.  I like that I don't spend as much money and have to think about creative ways to see people I love.  I like that I care more about our government.  I like that friends are so generous that they always ask what I need.  

I miss my hugs from certain folk that energized me.  Some held on a little bit longer than others.  Some looked at me like we hadn't seen each other in years when it was only a week.  I notice my body seems to fall apart when I'm sad and I must be sad a lot, because I could barely get out of bed a couple days this week.  I wasn't in a great deal of pain, but the exhaustion was overwhelming.  I think that even though I'm sad about the state of our country, I'm more upset at how divided we are and how cruel one side is to the other.  And I see that in the Trump supporters as well as the Biden supporters.  I am a Biden/Harris supporter.  I know a Trump supporter that is a born again Christian and she wouldn't dream of saying some of the cruel things that some of the Biden supporters have spewed.  I just don't think Martin Luther King wanted us to be nasty.  I wrote that Iyanla Vanzant said something about that it was time for us to figure out personally, who's neck we are kneeling on and who's kneeling on ours.  I can think of a few people I have knelt on and kept kneeling. With all this time to reflect, my smart ass comments to others are a little bit less than before and my smirking doesn't happen as much.  I'm learning slowly.  As I hope others are.


  1. Thank you for writing this Chris. I find that I am way more likely to be at peace when I can resist reading or watching anything about current events. That is not to say that I don't, because I do check in probably more often than I should. I just can't bring myself to hate anyone on the other side even though it FEELS as if they are trying to take away my freedom....they think the same about us. It's so odd. Many days I am able to sit back and have faith that this will all eventually pass and that love and kindness will prevail. Ommmmmmmm Namaste babe!
