I'm at a loss for what to say. It has been the most unusual time in my 63 years. I like slowing down with this virus. I like that I don't spend as much money and have to think about creative ways to see people I love. I like that I care more about our government. I like that friends are so generous that they always ask what I need.
I miss my hugs from certain folk that energized me. Some held on a little bit longer than others. Some looked at me like we hadn't seen each other in years when it was only a week. I notice my body seems to fall apart when I'm sad and I must be sad a lot, because I could barely get out of bed a couple days this week. I wasn't in a great deal of pain, but the exhaustion was overwhelming. I think that even though I'm sad about the state of our country, I'm more upset at how divided we are and how cruel one side is to the other. And I see that in the Trump supporters as well as the Biden supporters. I am a Biden/Harris supporter. I know a Trump supporter that is a born again Christian and she wouldn't dream of saying some of the cruel things that some of the Biden supporters have spewed. I just don't think Martin Luther King wanted us to be nasty. I wrote that Iyanla Vanzant said something about that it was time for us to figure out personally, who's neck we are kneeling on and who's kneeling on ours. I can think of a few people I have knelt on and kept kneeling. With all this time to reflect, my smart ass comments to others are a little bit less than before and my smirking doesn't happen as much. I'm learning slowly. As I hope others are.