Monday, April 21, 2014


     I am never quite clear on whether I am babying myself or really in as much pain as I think.  Monday and Tuesday of last week, I got a great deal done.  Personal stuff like making sure my meds were being sent to the right address.  Last time, they had the wrong address and I had no meds.  On Tuesday I completed as much as I could regarding getting work.  I then realized I hadn’t done my exercises and did them about 8:30 at night.  After my exercises for my hip, I walked from one end of the house to the other and was so excited.  I love walking outside, but this was much easier and so back and forth I went.  Suddenly I stopped myself.  So many times, I get so excited when I exercise that I overdo, so I stopped.   When I got up the next morning I was in great pain.  My back, nothing else.  I knew I went too far the night before.  The only thing that works in these “overdone” times is sleep.  The exhaustion is overwhelming and I sleep.  So Wednesday, I slept most of the day.  On Thursday I figured all was well, so I did a few things and quickly realized I was still in bad shape… and it went on.  It was maddening and I kept trying to think what I could do besides ice and stretching if possible and rest.  I felt like it was time so wasted and could I at least write.  So I sat at my computer and tried to write.  I found that exhausting and couldn’t concentrate.  I took a short drive, breathed and yes, I prayed.  I asked for some strength and mostly, some courage.  By Saturday, I was much better and took myself to a movie.  And then yesterday, it was gone.  I believe there are reasons for everything.  And there’s a lesson to be learned from the tough stuff in our lives.  I also believe that everybody has trials, not just me.  So, on Easter Sunday it was gone.  I think the gift in all this, is that delightful peaceful gentle feeling when the pain is lifted… That was my wonderful miraculous Easter gift. 

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