Thursday, December 29, 2011


    This might sound rough, but my intention is to be incredibly selfish at this time… I have had wonderful support the past two weeks since my recent diagnosis, and it just about takes my breath away.  However, I refuse to pay attention to folks that offer way too much advice or are just plain being a pain. 
    A young woman I have known briefly keeps calling and offering whatever I need.  She wanted to come over for Christmas.  She seems to have some idea that I am all alone. She was worried that I wasn't eating and wanted to bring me ham.. I try not to eat red meat. This is so sweet but I don’t need anything right now, so I told her.  She offered to bring me hats… I was confused for a second, and she said because I would lose my hair.  I explained to her that with radiation, you don’t lose your hair.  I take walks whenever I can and a friend wanted to discuss how I walk in one area of the park where she sees no bike path.    As I began to explain it all, she couldn’t imagine what I was saying, and kept asking me questions…I just didn’t have the energy to debate this, so I told her and we said goodbye.  Another friend tells me bad jokes… this is great… for a minute..then it gets old.  As someone who does the same thing, you’d think I’d be more tolerant, but I'm not…Another friend began telling me the horrors of what might happen in the future and I held the phone away from my ear and asked her to stop.  I don’t need to go into crazy fear at this time.  A cancer diagnosis is scary enough.  There are people I simply don’t want to know what’s going on with me.  Some folks get so depressed about stuff and I just don’t need it… So if I don’t talk to you or want you to come over, it’s not because I have a bad attitude, it’s because I am taking care of myself…
   A friend, who had been through the same thing, shared some wonderful stuff.  She said that everyone at her church saw her healed and whole… and that was it. 

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