Thursday, December 27, 2012


      What’s with me and holidays?  Thanksgiving I was in the Emergency Room after a nasty fall at home.  And Christmas I got the stomach flu.  Christmas Eve I spent with my friends and gave them their gifts.  I gave Barbara earrings.  Those dangling kind.  She loves those.  And I got Landlord Paul a sweater which by the grace of God fit him very well.  He looked quite dapper in it, I must say. 
     My real Christmas gift was this blog I came upon.  See below.  A writer called in to Cheryl Richardson's show.  She talked about his "little" book and how wonderful it was.  So, I looked him up in between bouts of nausea and found this.

     He writes about a friend who was so sick for so long and then began saying over and over, “I love myself.” He healed himself.  Then he wrote a book titled "Love Yourself Like Your Life Depended On It."  Now I know that loving ourselves is the most powerful thing we can do, but I don’t always do it.  So while laying in bed on Christmas, I began saying the mantra, “I love myself.” over and over.  I felt better immediately.  I got up, straightened up my bedroom, and played with the dog.  I ate something, and kept it down.  Paul came home later that night, and all was well.  Yesterday, I was still wobbly, but I am 100% today. 

     Check out this book and the picture of this writer, Kamal Ravikant.  He is gorgeous! 

                                                I LOVE MYSELF


  1. Well... I love that makes two! And I'm sure there are many more! Hope you are feeling better Chris. Keep up the mantra and feel free to throw in "and John too" every tenth time like a rosary. That will make me feel better

  2. Johnny,
    you are so kind... as always.... I am fine... thank you.. and yes.. my mantra is "I love myself and John too." That's so funny, "like a rosary..." Have a blessed New Year. Love to Melissa and those beautiful children...

  3. This is beautiful and made me happy to read it. Thank you.
