Wednesday, August 15, 2012


    I would think I’d be happy about no more radiation treatments.  I thought I would be thrilled.  But I’m not.  I am depressed.  I will miss my friends at the Cleveland Clinic.  Not only the professionals, but the redcoats that guide you wherever you need to go.  And the people I met while in the waiting room.  One couple is from England.  The wife is so sweet and she looks so scared.  And of course, the valet parking men.  I feel like I will just go back to my old ways.  The old eating habits, the old “not always exercising” habits.  And the worst, not looking for work in a more proactive way.  I do work when I can, but I have made a mess of things that way.  The jobs I have gotten in the last several years have taken it out of me physically or emotionally, and I either get fired or I quit.   I never took the real risks to get the “stuff” I want.  Too scared.  I am ashamed to be so old and so immature.  There are some real health issues that I deal with on a day to day basis, and I’m not talking about cancer.  And that makes working very difficult.  When I was diagnosed in December with cancer, I called a friend and through my sobbing I said, “I just need a break!”  She said, “You got a break Chris!  You got to walk after being paralyzed!”  I know she’s right, but today I don’t feel very good about me or my life.  One more treatment after today. Wish me luck.


  1. Geez Chris, I wish I lived closer, I'd come over there, make you breakfast and then make you watch Bravo TV with me for a good laugh. It sounds like you're having a hard morning and I'm sorry you are feeling down.
    This too will pass and for what it's worth, you are working really hard right now to restore your body to health. You really can't tackle everything at once!
    Have you read Martha Beck's books? I think they may be just what the metaphysical Doctor ordered?
    Sending the warmest regards and hopes that you will feel the joy soon.


  2. I LOVE YOU KIM!!! Thanks... just what I needed. I do like Martha Beck when I have seen her speak on OWN or her stuff in O Magazine... but I haven't delved into her books.. thank you for the info...
