Sunday, January 29, 2012


     I had an amazing evening.  I had the honor of being in the audience as my friend Michelle gave a reading from her book, "Daughter of the Drunk at the Bar".   Michelle did a beautiful job.  She was upfront and told us that this is her first reading. Then she took a deep breath and did it.  It was great. I've only known Michelle a couple of years from the chorus I am in, and she never ceases to amaze me. She has expressed many times when she was afraid to do something, step out of the box, and then she does it.  She was concerned about doing a solo in our chorus, and then she did it.  She held a private concert at her home this past summer, and told a few of us that she was worried no one would come so some friends gave her suggestions on how to advertise a little bit, and she did, and it was lovely.  About 6 weeks ago, I had dinner with her and another friend.   Michelle told us that she just asked this bookstore if she could give a reading from her new book, and they said yes.  She said to us that she was concerned no one would come and that she was nervous about doing it.  But, several of us came from our chorus to honor her and because everyone loves the book.  And, we love Michelle. 

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