Monday, November 28, 2011


       I started reading Dr. Wayne Dyer books in 1978.  Sort of ate them like candy.  Then after some time, stopped.  In 2006, I picked up one of his books at the library and once again, devoured it ... He talked about money in it and he said that whenever he finds a penny on the ground, he takes it very personally and thanks the universe for showing him the abundance that is ever flowing.  He figures it was no accident and it was put there just for him.  Two weeks ago at Walgreens as I was walking out, I found 2 pennies and gave them to the cashier.  My thought was, “I hope the universe doesn’t think I am ungrateful.”  Louise Hay says to accept those invitations to someone buying you lunch, etc. and say thank you.  And I figure that means “thank you to them pennies..”  So after Walgreens, I went to the dry cleaners and as I got out of the car, found two pennies on the ground. Guess the gods really wanted me to have 2 cents.  In the year, 2000, I was working for the Marriott.  I worked in a little cubicle, making reservations for their hotels all over the country.  I remember once, having an imaginary conversation with my “ex” teacher while at work. She called herself a holistic health counselor, but it turned out to be holistic bullshit.  She was very expensive and I hung on her every word.  She made thousands off of me.  After losing it all, including my sanity, and finally bailing, I slowly started rebuilding my life in 1997.  She would call a lot and would just want to have lunch and I would decline.  Finally I wrote her a letter asking for some of the cash back.  It never happened.  I get a call from her once every six years.  So, for some reason, when I was bored, I started imaginary conversations with her… This evening at Marriott Reservations, I was talking to her about money. (in my mind)  It was a slow night.  I told her that “pinching pennies” was not such a bad idea.  She was big on spending.  And coupon cutting? Well, when I thought I needed to do more of that, given my limited income, she said, “Raise your consciousness Chris.”  She would call this "poverty consciousness".  So in between reservations,  I said that the more I investigated this, people did extremely well by paying attention to what they spent and saving where they could.  It seemed to make life simpler and easier....There was no one near me and as I am thinking this thought, everywhere I looked, there was a penny.  There was one at my computer, one on the floor, one in the cubicle behind me and on and on it went.  I picked them all up and put them in my wallet with alot of  gratitude.  It wasn’t enough to buy a cup of coffee, but it was great fun. 

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